Häufige Fragen
Can I see all my properties in one place?
Of course you can! Moderan provides you the most flexible and clearest overview over your portfolio. All KPIs are shown in one place at a glance.
For analysing your portfolio or property details, we provide you a wide range of ready-made, but customizable reports like rent-roll report, tenant change report or costs reports.
Learn more about the Moderan features here.
My portfolio structure is quite complex. Can Moderan handle my specific business needs?
You will hardly find a more flexible and adjustable portfolio & property management software!
Moderan is built to cover exactly those cases where the lease contract details or the rules of costs splitting are not off the shelf.
Get in touch with us and learn more about the flexible customisation of Moderan:
Is Moderan suitable for residential property owners/managers?
Moderan is primarily meant for owners/managers of Commercial Real Estate portfolios. Of course, it can be used for residential properties as well – and many of our users do so.
Kontaktieren Sie uns and learn more about how Moderan fits your portfolio structure.
Is Moderan a property management accounting platform?
Moderan can provide all necessary information that your accounting needs:
- Tenant contacts for billing,
- Rent & fee calculations,
- Utility costs calculations,
- And also all the terms & condictions for billing.
The actual billing/invoicing is done in your accounting software – as you are used to do. Therefore, Moderan integrates into multiple accounting software solutions. See our integrations page.
All modern accounting softwares can be integrated!
What integrations does Moderan support?
Moderan strictly follows an open approach that praises connectivity and networking. As a result, our customers are more than welcome to create their individual environment of specialized, modern software solutions – with Moderan as the dedicated ventricle of the entire system.
You can find a list of prepared integrations here.
These are adopted to the specific use cases of our customers with a broad experience of our in-house developers.
If you want to integrate with other solutions, we are always open to explore new connections and integration ideas.
For all developers, the Moderan API documentation is available online.
A setup of a new software can take a lot of time. How long does it take to get started with Moderan?
You are right, an implementation of a new software always requires some working time. So it is with Moderan.
- Moderan saves an average of over 20 % of our customers’ working time in their day-to-day work, e.g. when calculating utility costs. In the Kläffling Case Study you can read a very good example of how our customer’s efficiency is increased by Moderan.
- Starting with Moderan is pretty easy and quick. Thanks to our comprehensive user interface and clear structure, you will be ready to work with Moderan independently already after very few hours. If any questions arise, our Knowledge Base or Customer Support will be happy to help at any time.
Is Moderan just another startup that will be burned up soon?
Ehm, no. Moderan was founded in 2016 and has come to stay.
Built on the trust and entrepreneurial spirit of our founders and investors, Moderan is growing constantly & step by step.
It was never intended as a rocket or shooting star, but as a lasting contribution to the digitalisation and sustainable effectiveness of the real estate industry.
That’s were we are now: Segment’s market leader in all of the three Baltic States, very valued customers in 11 different countries – and a profitable business.
Which markets are supported?
Yes, Moderan was founded in Estonia and is still based in Tallinn, the beautiful capital of this country.
But we are a quite international company. Moderan users are located in 11 different European countries. Our team as well as our software is multilingual and we are always happy to add new languages and countries to our portfolio.
In short: We are based in the North, but we support all markets worldwide.